Un⭐que Blogger Award

I’m completely baffled how there’s an ATM emoji 🏧 but not an Award emoji??? Someone invent this, I’ll forever be grateful.

It’s time to CEL-EB-RATE

I’ve never done this whole accepting a blog award thing, so bear with me y’all. A HUGE THANKYOU to the best….Solly! He’s honestly so supportive and one of the greatest friends a girl could ask for. His blog is aesthetic as hell, so go give your eyeballs something incredibly beautiful to look at by checking out his blog. 😉 Did you do it? Good, Okay. Let’s continue…



1. Link to the blogger(s) who nominated you (✔)
2. Answer their questions (✔)

3. Nominate 8-13 people (✔)
4. Ask them 3 questions (✔)


Solly’s Questions

1. If you could only buy paperbacks or hardcovers for the rest of your life, which one would you chose?

Hmm. That’s a tough one. I love hardcovers most of the time but I have been enjoying paperbacks more recently. Most of my BookShelf is paperbacks, so that’s what I’d choose. Then everything would match and be decently beautiful. 

2. Three of your favorite books are on fire and you can only save one, which one will it be?

Why would you ask such a question?! 😭 Well my three favorite books are: Looking For Alaska, A Court of Mist and Fury, and The Girl On The Train. You’re breaking my heart here Solly, but I’d have to save ACOMAF. These are my babies but S.J.M did something to me with this one. (Solly I curse you for setting fire to my books, you salty human) 😂

3. If you could go on a lunch date with any author (deceased or living) who would it be?

You’re just on a roll with asking hard questions bro. James Patterson, probably because he f*cks me up every time. The least expected character to die, is the one who dies most of the time. IT COMES OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE WHAT. EVEN? I’ve taken writing courses that he’s given and his entire thought process is magnificent. He takes air and makes a freaking world. It’s insane. 


Nominate 8-13 Bloggers

I don’t even have that many friends yo. 

Emma 🍕 Hannah🍕 Caidyn and Chantel 🍕 

Sophia 🍕 Larkin 🍕 Iryna 🍕 Scrill 🍕


My Questions

  1. Would you rather only be able to read 3 books or only be able to read books backwards (ending to beginning) 

2. If you could remove any book from your memory which would it be?

3.  If all of your books got stolen on a cargo ship in the middle of the ocean and the thief said “You have to jump overboard in order to get them back” would you do it?


-I had a ton of fun doing this, thanks again Solly for awarding me with this. It’s an honor to be your friend.


-I hope you enjoy doing this tag as well! Feel free to comment yours down below so I can read them!

-As always, a great Thank You to everyone who checks out my content and also interacts on my blog. You are unique, and amazing fellows. Be kind to one another, stay positive, and be yourself!

With L❤VE, each and every one of you are appreciated.

Short Girl Out, Signed;




13 thoughts on “Un⭐que Blogger Award

  1. Oh my gosh, thank you so, so much for nominating me! This is crazy – I’ve been nominated for two blogging awards in the past three days! I’m so glad you got this award, Ash! You so, so deserve it, and thank you for thinking of me and being such a great friend.

    (By the way, I tagged you to do the Wonder Woman Book-Tag on my blog.) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahhhh, thanks for nominating me!! You the best!! ❤

    I ALSO agree that there should be an award emoji… Is there one?? I have no idea, there's so much new emojis that it's hard to scroll through everything and find the right one. They should also really somehow make an emoji search bar.

    And YOUR QUESTIONS ARE SO FUN. They really make me question myself. :')

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on the award! Also, Looking for Alaska is one of your favorite books?! YAY, it is one of my favorites just as well! ❤ ❤ I love hardcovers, but they're much more expensive, and since I own more paperbacks…I would have picked that for the first question as well. It's so much better when everything is aesthetic on our bookshelves, and around the same size and everything 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Awe, thank you so much! It definitely is one of the greatest on my shelf. ❤ Liking John Green novels comes with a lot of controversy, but I enjoy them. I’m glad you could relate!!
    I strive for an aesthetic lifestyle, although I’m not a very organized person. Hah. 😂

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and comment!

    Much love,


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